Poor Little Rich Boy
"Poor Little Rich Boy" is a song originally composed, performed, recorded, and released by Regina Spektor. It was first performed on 2002-05-01 and would go on to be featured regularly during live performances. The song was officially released in 2003 on Soviet Kitsch. "Poor Little Rich Boy" was also included on the compilation release Mary Ann Meets the Gravediggers and Other Short Stories released in 2006 for the European market.
"Poor Little Rich Boy" is known as the song that helped launch Regina Spektor's career. As noted in a 2022 Stereogum interview, Regina was "introduced to Gordon Raphael, The Strokes’ producer, who played the song for Julian Casablancas. He was hooked and invited her on 2003’s Room On Fire tour".
"Poor Little Rich Boy" is famous among Regina's catalog, as it is usually performed by hitting a drum stick on a wooden chair. Regina is known to bring a particular chair with her on tour for this reason.
Official Releases
There are no known official releases associated with this song.
Music Videos
There are no known demos associated with this song.
Live Performances
This song has no known live performances.
Poor little rich boy
All the couples have gone
You wish that they hadn't
You don't want to be alone
But they want to kiss
And they've got homes of their own
Poor little rich boy
All the couples have gone have gone have gone
And you don't love your girlfriend
You don't love your girlfriend
And you think that you should but she thinks that
She's fat but she isn't but you don't love her anyway
And you don't love your mother
And you know that you should
And you wish that you would but you don't anyway
Poor little rich boy
Oh the world is okay
The water runs off your skin
And down into the drain
You're reading Fitzgerald
You're reading Hemingway
They're both super smart
And drinking in the cafes
And you don't love your girlfriend
You don't love your girlfriend
And you think that you should but she thinks
That she's fat but she isn't but you don't love her anyway
And you don't love your mother
And you know that you should
And your wish that you would
But you don't anyway
You're so young
You're so god damn young
And you don't love your girlfriend
Song Facts
Release Status:
Originally By:
Alternate Titles:
First Official Release:
First Live Performance:
Last Live Performance:
Song Stats
First Known Date:
Last Known Date:
Time Between First Known Date and Last Known Date:
Time Between First and Last Performance:
about 22 years and 10 months
# of Appearances on Official Releases:
# of Times Performed Live:
Themes & References
Media Features
There are no known media features associated with this song.