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"Lacrimosa" is a song originally composed, performed, recorded, and released by Regina Spektor. The song was first performed and recorded as part of the Two Jews on Christmas session on 2001-12-25 and subsequently released on the album Songs in early 2002, which was then remastered and re-released on 2024-11-26. "Lacrimosa" was included on the compilation release Mary Ann Meets the Gravediggers and Other Short Stories released on 2006-01-16 for the European market.

"Lacrimosa" was first perfomed live on 2003-05-05 at the C-Note in New York, NY and was only performed four additional times – twice in 2003 and 3 times in 2009, before being revisted for the "Songs (and Other Songs)" series of performances in 2024 and 2025.

Official Releases

There are no known official releases associated with this song.

Music Videos


There are no known demos associated with this song.


We keep on burying our dead
We keep on planting their bones in the ground
But they won't grow
The sun doesn't help
The rain doesn't help

If my garden would have a fence
Then the rabbits couldn't just come in
And sit on the grass
And eat all the flowers and shit

Hi, I'm Icarus, I'm falling down
Man, for judgment must prepare me
Spare, oh god, in mercy spare me

Man, I have a terrible feeling
That something's gone awful, very wrong with the world
Is it something we made?
Is it something we ate?
Is it something we drank?

Hi, I'm Icarus, I'm falling
From the dust of earth returning back
For judgement must prepare me
Spare, oh god in mercy, spare me


We keep on burying our dead
We keep on planting their bones in the ground
But they won't grow
The sun doesn't help
And all we've got is a giant crop
Of names and dates

Hi, I'm Icarus, I'm falling down
Ah, this day of tears and mourning
From the dust of earth returning
Man, for judgement must prepare me
Spare, oh god in mercy, spare me


Lacrimosa dies illa
Qua resurget ex favilla
Judicandus homo reus
Huic ergo parce, Deus

Sheet Music

There's no sheet music associated with this song.

Song Facts

Release Status:


Originally By:




Alternate Titles:




First Official Release:
First Live Performance:
Last Live Performance:

Song Stats

First Known Date:
Last Known Date:
Time Between First Known Date and Last Known Date:

Time Between First and Last Performance:

about 21 years and 10 months

# of Appearances on Official Releases:


# of Times Performed Live:


Themes & References


Media Features

There are no known media features associated with this song.

Concert data provided by

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